Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Final Reflective Post

Picture By: Pixabay

Throughout this semester I have achieved knowledge not just in integrating technolgy in education but in education in general. This was my first ever education course and the experience was very great. I gained great skills and began to understand what  it is like to be on the other side, being an educator rather than a student. Many techniques were taught to me through the course EME 2040.

To begin with I would like to discuss how the assignments provided affected my perspective and understanding.  One of the assingments that I believed that achieved to do that was the collaborative lesson plan. Becoming an educator it is required for one to actually know how to create on correctly with all the elements. Doing a lesson plan and learning the elements of one has certainly helped in my understanding. I learned that it consist of objective, how it is introduced and the in depth instruction. Another thing that was enjoyable and aprreciated throughout this course was dealing with different type of learners. I related to this because in one of the in class projects, doing the webquest there was a student who was gifted and there are certain ways to deal with kids such ways. I remeber in elementary school I would get pulled out of class maybe during math or reading and had to figure out harder material. I as well appreciated this because working in an afterschool program there are many kids who are gifted or have difficulty reading or have language barrier. One website that I liked througout the course is a vocabulary game. It is helpful for differnt type of learners. I appreciated alot learning how to deal with this and good techniques in aproaching situations and how technology has helped. This is one of my favorite videos I came across to describe todays education.

Communication (COM): We created blogs, webquest, in class presentations which excerised using english being written and speaking.
Critical Thinking (CT): Crisitcal thinking was used in things such as creating webquest when trying to find ways to reach each student with learning needs.
Technology/Information Management(TIM):  This standard was used throughout the whole course. We had discussion post where we had to providce resources. In all our blogs it was a must to put in APA style which includes organizing our resources. There were as well asignments such as the evaluation of a website to verify that it was safe to use or not safe/reliable.
 Global Socio-cultural Responsibility (GSR):  I think this standard was mainly used int he blogs when we gave our personal opinion in things discussed in our book as well in our discussion post we would have. I enjoyed actually using the textbook and reflecting on it becasue it helped me learn what the material was.

Class was always engaing, there were many activites during the class period to make sure we were not sitting for the whole 2 hours and a half and I always felt time was used efficently and many things would get done. Although it was engaging I do beleive that perhaps future classes can be even more emgaing, especially since it is at night many students tend to lose focus.

Great experience taking the course EME 2040. This being my first education class I have learned so much and I will use my knowlwedge and practice it in real life experiences.

21st Century Education. (2012, May 7). Retrieved December 9, 2015, 
Free Image on Pixabay - Apple, Education, School, Knowledge. (n.d.). 
Gonzalez, I. (2015, December 9). ABCYA. Retrieved December 9, 2015, 
Vocabulary Games, English Vocabulary Word Games. (n.d.). Retrieved December 9, 2015,

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Post #L

Picture By : Pixabay
Chapter 12, describes great ways to integrate technology. As an educator I believe that we need to be aware of all aspects of new ways to help out our students. Technology is a great way. Some of the things I want to discuss is if one is using technology needs to know how to address it, the difference between infusion and Inclusions, and the negative issues of integration of technology.

One who uses technology, must make informed choices, explore technology, and promotes changes. I agree that when integrating technology it is the educators job to make sure it will actually enhance learning, or that the information being showed to the child online is up to date. I believe it is a change that takes time to adjust because students are used to being told to put their cellphones away and it has not been really a regular custom. Being an educator in the 21st century I feel like promoting change with using technology is great because it changes the way a kid can learn. I agree as well with the statement in the text that says, " change should be intended to make it possible for every student to reach their learning potential."

Infusion and Inclusion are two completely different ways in using technology. Inclusion means that computers and information are used mainly for transferring information and practicing skills.  Then there is Infusion, which means that computers and other information technologies are ongoing features of teaching and learning in all academic subjects at all grade levels. For example computers are now a part of the classroom so it is integrated in many of the lessons. I believe that infusion plays more of an important role in learning than inclusion. This is because infusion is more in depth and not for a minimum amount of time like inclusion.

In integrating technology there are issues teachers face. There are six main issues, Administrative support and teaching style, Unwillingness to change favorite lessons plans, reluctant to use technology in new lesson plans,use of technology as reward or punishment,use of technology  as add on to other activities, use of technology to separate students by ability. One of the issues I think is important is using technology as reward or punishment. because it occurs everywhere. Where I work the tactic of having good behavior equals computer time and bad behavior equals no computer time. Little did I realize that using this minimizes the use of technology for their learning purposes. It is not only in the after school program that I work at but many others use this tactic as well. In my opinion agree with this being an issue  because it will diminish their eagerness to learn.

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Enter room number

Enter name

Begin quiz!


Free Image on Pixabay - Boy, Girl, Hand In Hand, Kids. (2013). Retrieved November 19, 2015

 Gonzalez, Iliana. "Socrative." Socrative. 19 Nov. 2015. Web. 19 Nov. 2015. 

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Post #K

Picture By : Pixabay 

As I reviewed chapter four there were some concepts that captured my attention. As we go through the course EME 2040 I feel like many of these concepts are things that re going to affect our teaching styles.The three main concepts I think would help any educator including myself, are somethings that have to do with lesson planning. what to teach, how to teach it, and lastly,standardized test. 

To begin with I want to discuss what is referred to as Lesson design and Development. A part of this topic is the Academic content provided through the lesson plan, In other words the teacher faces the question, " What to teach." As educators although there are school system guidelines , one must know how to make it into a lesson plan so there is a clear objective. The academic content is, the facts, concepts,ideas, skills and understanding that one is going to share with their student, I feel this is very vital because a student needs to know what needs to get done. I think clarity is something big in this part of Lesson design and development,

Another part of lesson design and development that I think is what I would like to be able to achieve is how to teach a concept. It is one thing to figure what what one is going to teach but is another thing to know how to teach it I think this part of Lesson Design and Development is harder to achieve. In the book it lists many ways to be able to achieve this by using  technology such as, using presentation software, or websites, webcast, blogs or online discussion. I believe that as a teacher one should get to know the students to see which way can be more helpful to the students. For example to get the How to teach part, is important to understands ones students first. This will allow teachers to take different approaches. 

Lastly  I want to take the tome to discuss standardized test. These affect what is going to be on the lesson plans.  For those who do not know what standardized test are provided by nation, state, or district. " Specify what students are expected to know and  able to do at each grade level. " In my opinion I do not like these type of tests. I have taken them since 2nd grade all the way to my sophomore year in high school. I think theses test do not measure the intelligence of a student or can accurately measure what they know. I know this because growing up I hated the month of march and April. It was a time of stress to see if I would go on to the next level. I hated the fact that they were timed because although I knew the material it was terrifying thinking what if i did not have enough time. I think these test can only go so far. Also the new way of taking these test is now being taken using technology. These tests are behind a computer screen and it is terrible. I have experienced both the physical and the digital. When being behind a screen for more than 3 hours it affected how i saw the screen. My eyes began to hurt  I felt that it only deprived me from scoring higher. I honestly feel like standardized testing is not as accurate and is a kids nightmare. 

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 Free Image on Pixabay - Check List, List, Exam, Test. (2012). Retrieved November 12, 2015,
Gonzalez, I. (2015, November 12). Chapter 4 Iliana. Retrieved November 12, 2015, 

 Sathy, K. (2013, May 15). This Test Does Not Define You. Retrieved November 12, 2015, 

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Post #J

Picture By- Pixabay
Chapter 11 addresses in performance assessments for both the teacher and student and ways to actively involve students. Three concepts that I believe as a teacher one should be aware of is that just as we re going to evaluate students we will be as well evaluated as educators, also that there is a concept called democratic schools, and how to engage them using technology,

I want to discuss that as future teachers we will go through evaluations. administrators will walk and see how one is performing. They will evaluate our class management, our academic and class performance. I feel like this is important because as new teachers one has to be aware of what they can improve in. I feel like it will only allow us to get better. I also think though that evaluations are great, there can be complications. I feel that education politics comes into play.

An interesting concept I found was democratic schools and classrooms. Until reading this chapter I did not view schools like this or that such thing existed.  This is a movement that wants to allow students to be part of the educational and academic learning decisions, Its about establishing a balance and It sounds great. The teacher is in charge but the students have more voice. I think this concept is great as long as the student is accomplishing things, In the after school program I work in I feel like I have set up this type of environment. My students decide what games they want to play or what they want to watch based on some options. They feel like they have a voice and therefore they enjoy and tend to be more attentive,

I think the book provided an example on how to engage students using clickers, which is a student participation system. I personally have experienced this and feel like it i a great way to engage students. I think as educators things  like these will allow us to know which child is participating and we can know where they stand in a certain subject. There are also other things that have come since clickers, such as things like Socrative or Kahoot.it. I have experienced many of these while in school I think they are great. In kahoot it automatically shows you the result and it feels more of a game than anything else. Socrative is more I want to say formal. All of these are a great way to get the student engaged, to know if they understand or not, Also I think it can be used for other reason other than academic. It can be used to get to know the students better or to see what they want to do as activities or as a poll. These are great tools!

Join Socrative

Go to Socrative student 

Enter Room Number IlIANA97

Be ready to answer 5 question quiz!!


Gonzalez, I. (2015, November 4). Socrative. Retrieved November 5, 2015.

 Free Image on Pixabay - Playschool, Children, Human, Kids. (n.d.). Retrieved November 5, 2015. 

Kahoot! (n.d.). Retrieved November 5, 2015.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Digital Blog Post #I

Picture By : Pixabay

Chapter six, Fostering online learning with educational Websites and Apps, gives great information for an educator who needs to know what to do and how to use  website or technology with their students. There are some concepts that for me as a future educator would like to utilize or further explore. To begin with I want to talk about webquest because this week it is what class is being focused on, I want to appreciate information alert and lastly I want to discuss educational websites.

To begin with I want to discuss webquest. According to the textbook a webquest is an online inquiry by students that are designed and guided by teachers, Basically it is a very organized ways to gather information by using online sources so students can go on and explore and compete a task about a topic. I think it depends on the topic for a webquest to be interesting. Although I enjoy the organization of it I think that it has to be  topic perhaps interesting or something serious that as an educator one needs to provide this type of structure because one doesn't want a student to bump into something false on the web. I think that webquest are too much reading for a kid and that as someone who wants efficiency , they would prefer instructions that be accessible via internet or something that will keep their attention, a web quest barely keeps my attention but I have enough practice of self discipline to do it. A second grader might find it extremely difficult to concentrate and work in such  structured way. I feel like even though it is a great way to make sure that kids have everything they need to be successful, If it is not fun they will do it just to do it. I think this approach needs much self discipline to get through or it needs to be super fun and engaging to a student so they can enjoy and learn doing it.
 Second I want to talk about is information management, I think anyone who wants to be an educator needs to know about this and therefore appreciate the technology that we have. Information management means as defines in the textbook effectively utilizing different kinds of digital resources to create meaningful learning experiences for students. I think that using the internet as a way to keep up to date with information and further explore a topic is a need, It allows students to learn brand new information and keep them up to date. I think that as a teacher one would appreciate alerts or bookmarking. For example, In class using delicious has helped because one can pull up something whenever or wherever. Alerts I think are super helpful because lets say one wants the latest update on our solar system, or any topic, one can set up alerts to gain this information. Information management is something as future educators should keep in my mind because things keep changing.

Lastly, I want to discuss on a topic I found interesting here in chapter 6. I think that the debate over the progress of kids attending virtual school. I love technology especially because it makes things efficient. I am in the same page with critics on virtual school. Virtual schools will never replace the face to face interaction with teachers or the way a teacher can get across information. I think kids will find the easy way out such as using google or have someone else to their work. I do believe that in this case flying through school is not the best way to go about education. Sometimes taking longer to actually learn and not just find the answer is worth it. I am not disagreeing with the use of technology but when a teacher is not aware of who the student even is, or can not have a connection the student will barely want to be engaged. Love the idea of blended learning where there is interaction with the teacher and as well using technology.

Chapter 6 - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires
 Free Image on Pixabay - Girl, Book, School, Reading. (2013). Retrieved October 27, 2015.

 Gonzalez, I. (2015, October 27). Chapter 6. Retrieved October 29, 2015. 

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Post #H

By:Iliana Gonzlez - ABCYA

In chapter 9 it talks about how to use technology for creative purposes in the learning experience. I think that keeping it interested and up to date can help kids feel more related too. Being a 21st century teacher one has to be flexible with this technology because this is what kids are using now a days. Some concept that I found interesting is PowerPoint, YouTube and lastly using digital Cameras.

To begin with I want to discuss PowerPoint, I believe PowerPoint is the best presentation tool. I think that the flexibility and how much creativity ou can add to the slides is amazing. All my life I have used PowerPoint and it has been great. For example for business presentations to just casual in class assignments or projects. I feel like PowerPoint can be taught t a real young age. Perhaps when students begin to read it can start to be a useful tool. On the text book it showed some disadvantage of PowerPoint one being that students might zone out. I disagree with this. PowerPoint allows one to pull a presentation together it has no control over the content the user puts in or how the content is delivered. So hen saying kids zone out it is perhaps the presenter needs to work on some skills on how to keep the audience interested. PowerPoint is an amazing tool but it can not keep the audience engaged if the presenter does not.  PowerPoint is just a tool depends how one delivers the information or the purpose of it.

Picture By: Paul Reynolds – Flickr
Another concept I would love to use when I become a teacher is Alphabet books. As for me the ideal grade I would love to teach is Kindergarten. Using just the simplest of technology to create a lesson plan is awesome. So when creating an alphabet books one takes a picture of the student holding items that begin with a letter from the alphabet. For example, A can be used when the child holds an apple and so on. Using pictures or digital cameras in education I think is an easy way to integrate technology in a lesson plan. Another example may be if teaching higher grade one can create lets say perhaps a science journal and use the digital cameras to take pictures of the experiment.

Lastly one thing has facilitated learning are videos. Many times I have search video on task that I am not sure of. My main search engine for this I say would be YouTube. YouTube has transformed the Internet. This website is not just for music. This website allows one as an educator to provide I believe a fair and flexible environment. I want to talk about how easy it is to fin educational videos here. you type in a subject of choice and it will show up, or the book as well mentioned using an external website that will direct one into the right videos. When using videos it allows you to rewind, replay pause and these features are important even if for us they are simple. Working in an after school program I have noticed that kids usually will not understand on first attempt so these options become great and convenient. Another of using YouTube conveniently is by lets say the child still does not understand they can take it home and watch the video themselves pausing it and replaying it as many times as they want. Finally a teacher can use it to upload videos of important work or procedures a student missed out on if they were not present in school. The student can access these videos and be prepared for the next day of class.


 ABCYA. (n.d.). Retrieved October 21, 2015

 Films, W. (2011, May 9). How to Give an Awesome (PowerPoint) Presentation (Whiteboard Animation Explainer Video). Retrieved October 22, 2015

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Reynolds, P. (2006, July 4). My Camera. Retrieved October 22, 2015

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Blog #G - Chapter 10

Albert Einstein: Back to Life by Gazoz5
Picture By: DeviantArt- Gazoz5

Making sure that a student receives all the assistance they need is part of being a flexible and a great educator. In chapter 10 promoting success for all students through technology,  explains many ways how educators can achieve the goal to make sure their students don't have any obstacles when it comes to learning.
Picture ABCYA- Iliana

Multicultural education is important in the 21rst century because all students have a different styles and ways of learning. The text states that this idea is as James bunk says “ That all students- regardless of their gender, social class, and ethnic,racial,or cultural characteristics- should have an equal opportunity to learn in school.” I believe this is important because as an educator, flexibility is vital. Not everyone is the same. In one of my posts I stated that I am up at 3 in the morning doing homework because that is the time where I feel focused. My school provides me with teaching beyond a school day where i can access my assignments online and turn them in when i'm finished, Multicultural learning allows me to do that. This is important because no child will ever be identical. For example if you have a child who shines through kinesthetic learning might not be great through visual. I think Multicultural is critical because we have come to learn there many different ways of learning. There is a famous quote by Albert Einstein, "
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” I want to emphasize that we are no longer living in the days where everybody learned sitting down reading a textbook. People like Mazarno have done research to show that students have different strengths. Another example is myself. I love interacting, writing but when i am assigned a math problem the regular person will take 1 min to answer it, I will take like 15 minutes. I would like to say that the multicultural learning plays a big part when I am doing math that it makes it possible for me to succeed in class. Most of my assignment are accessible online so I can take as long as i need to do my assignments and homework without it affecting me negatively. 

Another concept I believe is important is Text reading software. In the textbook the definition is allowing the computer users to hear written text read aloud by a computer,  This concept is interesting because not only does it help people with vision disabilities but any other person. This helps for example I do not know how to pronounce a certain word so the computer will pronounce it for you. It as well aids students in reading, perhaps it allows them to understand better or it reads at a faster pace. I think this is a great tool because there are times when i have to read an article online and staring at the computer screen for so long not only irritates me, but just makes it faster because I'm not constantly losing my place. Another thing that falls under this topic is word prediction. I can not emphasize the gratitude for this tool. this tool is the definition of efficiency. This helps students work faster and it helps with their spelling. I think this is important because where i believe word prediction occurs more is when texting. In my opinion this allows students to be aware of how to spell a word correctly and i feel like it provides sort of guidance on how to write. For example most kids would text ur instead of your or you're and teachers notice that they will start writing ur on their assignments. The word predictor i feel helps in avoiding that problem and prevents from having students fall under the habit of writing slang because it is faster.

Lastly what is another thing that technology has impacted in a students life is their writing. As the textbook describes many kids have trouble writing. They think it is for smart people, they feel pressured, get anxiety because they feel they wont write neat enough, their grammar, or their choice of words are not to the standards expected. Technology has allowed to reduce these issues students face when it comes to writing. Technology has simplified these by having spell check and grammar available. In programs such as in Microsoft Word, it underlines when one has made a mistake. It as well allows to fix mistakes faster and makes it look neat and it is legible. In many exams such as Fcat or SAT's  there is a written portion and it is extremely  difficult for me because I am pressured with a 30 minute time frame, and nothing to check if i spelled this correctly if the comma is where it is supposed to be. The number one worry for me is if the person who will be scoring me can read my paper. I as well worry that my hand writing might be too big so my writing will not have enough space. Its not just in major exams but as well in the classroom. When I am able to write using technology it simplifies my writing process. I am sure many students feel the same way. 

 ABCYA. (n.d.). Retrieved October 14, 2015. 
21st Century Education. (2012, May 7). Retrieved October 14, 2015.
Gazoz5 on DeviantArt. (2012, March 21). Retrieved October 14, 2015. 

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.